Neonatal Case Study Transient Tachypnoea of the Newborn (TTNB) 1500 words Aim: The aim of this assignment is to apply your knowledge of the pathophysiology of a common newborn condition from a neonatal case study and identify the risk factors. You will have an opportunity to discuss midwifery management of the condition, and to accurately interpret information from assessment data and relate it to this underlying pathophysiology. Further, you will examine the role of the midwife in fostering a family centred approach to neonatal care. This written assignment addresses all the course learning outcomes. Instructions: 1. Review the case study provided to be the stimulus for your essay. 2. Write an essay that contains the following four components (suggest approx. 350 – 400 words per section – the sections are equally weighted): a. Discuss the pathophysiology and risk factors of the presenting clinical problem (TTNB) the case study b. Discuss midwifery management of the presenting clinical problem TTNB. c. Considering the baby in your selected case study: Discuss the assessment data and relate this back to the pathophysiology. d. Considering the baby and their family in your selected case study: i. outline the principles of family centred care ii. then link the relevant principle/s to the case study. Other elements: • You do NOT need to provide an introduction or a conclusion for your essay. • Please use the following subheadings in your essay to clearly identify the separate areas you will address: • Pathophysiology and Risk Factors • Nursing or Midwifery management (you may select the discipline according to your Program) • Assessment Data• Family Centred Care • You may use both appropriate textbooks and relevant journal articles in your essay. This includes the Queensland Health neonatal guidelines; • Do not exceed the word limit – the word limit does not include the reference list BUT does include in-text references and…

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