criminals were biological throwbacks to an earlier evolutionary stage. Why? Do you agree? Support your stand.Q1. “ The Naturalist Approach to criminology has different and sometimes contradictory frames of reference based on different ways of thinking about crime. There are three broad frames of reference, namely: Classical criminology, positivist criminology and the behaviour of criminal law.”
George Vold et al (1998) Theoretical Criminology, Oxford University Press.
Succinctly, describe the view of each of these frames of reference; and indicate if these frames are or be mutually exclusive. (10 Marks)

Q2. Cesare Lombroso (1835- 1904) was convinced that criminals were biological throwbacks to an earlier evolutionary stage. Why? Do you agree? Support your stand. (5 Marks)

Q3. The belief that criminals and evil people in general have unusual physical appearance goes back to ancient time. Concisely show how criminology researchers have addressed this issue; and provide your own evaluation on the contribution of physical appearance to crime and criminal behaviour. (5 Marks)

4. Body Type Theorists argue that there is a high degree of correspondence between the physical appearance of the body and the temperature of the mind. Summarize the findings and conclusions of these researchers. (5 Marks)

Q5. Biological Positivists such as Goring Charles (1913) and Lange Johannes (1929 have undertaken studies on the correlation between genes and criminal tendencies and behaviours. What did the studies reveal regarding families and twins? How do or should these findings influence criminal policy and law? (5 Marks)


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