Part 1 – Literature review – labeling figures (images and graphs) and tables
Images and graphs are catagorized as“figures” and “figures” should be placed at the bottom of their respective images or graphs
Table titles should be placed on top of their respective tables
Please refer to these examples
Figure 3. Relative risk of coronary heart disease on the addition of linoleic acid. Increased consumption of linoleic acid reduces coronary heart disease outcomes [12].
Figure 4. Roles of PUFA in inhibiting the activities of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The first step shows binding of DHA and EPA, resulting in the activation and binding of Beta-arrestin-2 which breaks down to produce TABI which inhibits TAKI and disrupting the remaining pathways [8]
Table 1. Clinical data on changes in cardiovascular outcomes after the provision of linoleic acid following a 12 month follow up. A reduction in the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides is observed above [24]