Summarizing the following article,

Microwave Synthesis – A Potential Tool for

Green Chemistry
S. Ravichandran* and E.Karthikeyan
Department of Chemistry , Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University,
Thandalam, Chennai – 602 105, India.
* [email protected]

Abstract: Microwave radiation, an electromagnetic radiation, is widely use as a source of heating in organic synthesis.
The basic mechanisms observed in microwave assisted synthesis are dipolar polarization and conduction. Microwave
assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) has emerged as a new “lead” in organic synthesis. The technique offers simple,
clean, fast, efficient, and economic for the synthesis of a large number of organic molecules, have provided the
momentum for many chemists to switch from traditional heating method to microwave assisted chemistry. In the recent
year microwave assisted organic reaction has emerged as new tool in organic synthesis. In the present article an attempt
was made to focus on what is microwave, how is it generated and what importance may it have.
Keywords: Microwave radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, Green chemistry.


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