I need:

  • Topic: Is obesity a major health problem? If yes, then, what are the factors that are involved in making people obese?

Include at least three resources. All of the resources should be seen on your reference page and inside your text as well.

Do not forget to insert heading levels 1 and 2. Create a separate title page and a reference page.

APA format 6th edition

no plagiarism

That the information is taken from the virtual library of my school (at least 3 references)

That has 5 paragraphs


Hook statement


Thesis statement (For example: I believe that …….  for this reason (reason 1) and for this reason (reason 2), however, other people say (contrast reason 1) and (contrast reason 2).

Body Paragraph I: First reason (with evidence or fact: Add the quotation or rephrase the quotes and the cite. The in-text citation should be reflected in your reference page.)

Body Paragraph II: Second reason (with evidence or fact: Add the quotation or rephrase the quotes and the cite. The in-text citation should be reflected in your reference page.)

Counter argument: contrast reason 1 and contrast reason 2 (For example: Some people this (contrast reason 1)…. Or other have this view (Contrast reason 2)……. However, I disagree with them because (reason 1) and Reason 2.

Conclusion: Precise and summarize what you have stated earlier and then provide recommendation or suggestions to the audience.

References: At least 3 references from the virtual library of my school

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