Is China’s one-child policy an ethical form of population control?” Be sure to use an ethical theory (Deontology, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics) to help defend your argument, and when developing your response, consider information presented in the module lecture notes and reading assignments (250 words min.)

Is capital punishment moral? Be sure to use an ethical theory  (Deontology, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics) to help defend your argument, and when developing your response consider information presented in the module lecture notes and reading assignments. (250 words min.)

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Critically discuss, using case law as appropriate, where the issue of liability liesAn employee of a PR agency representing an events company agrees a contract to supply the food for a major electronics company launch event, in their client’s name, but without directly getting permission to do so. The food is not delivered and the major electronics company sues the events company for breach of contract. Critically discuss, using case law as appropriate, where the issue of liability liesAn employee of a PR agency representing an events company agrees a contract to supply the food for a major electronics company launch event, in their client’s name, but without directly getting permission to do so. The food is not delivered and the major electronics company sues the events company for breach of contract. Critically discuss, using case law as appropriate, where the issue of liability liesAn employee of a PR agency representing an events company agrees a contract to supply the food for a major electronics company launch event, in their client’s name, but without directly getting permission to do so. The food is not delivered and the major electronics company sues the events company for breach of contract. Critically discuss, using case law as appropriate, where the issue of liability lies

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