Financial Report: Money is a central concept for every one no matter what age you are. In this project you will explore exponents using the compound interest formula to make conclusions on investments. In this project you will: 1. use exponents to calculate the amount of interest earned on an investment. 2. Evaluate formulas with exponents. 3. Convert interest rates to decimals. 4. Apply the order of operations. To complete this project you will: 1. complete the financial Report worksheet (Financial%20Report%20Worksheet.docx) to guide you in developing your budget. Be sure to show all work! 2. Complete a 2 page, double spaced, APA formatted report. In the report you need to present your findings and explain your conclusions on interest rates and compounding frequency. Thoughts to include in the report include: Is a savings account a good way to earn interest? When looking at opening a savings account what should you look for: higher interest rate or more frequent compounding? 3. Be sure to cite your source for the interest rates from the chosen financial institution! The assignment is presented with excellent organization, thoughtful transitions, and the appropriate tone. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, and the references and in-text citations are all properly formatted. In each reference has an in-text citation and in-text citation has a reference. The response indicates a high level application of compound interest. The paper demonstrates a complete understanding and analysis of interest rates and the compound interest formula.

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