Your manager comes to you and says:
Okay. We are seeing a rapid increase of our employees bringing Mac laptops to the office which is becoming a problem. Previously we were a Windows environment, so our forensic tools were purchased with Windows in mind. Now we need to be ready to handle Mac devices.I’m giving you $50,000 as a budget. I want you to investigate the right solutions that will let us:
1. Take physical images of a Macintosh device
2. Take logical images / captures of an Macintosh device
3. Perform analysis of the Macintosh data
4. If training is included in the purchase – then that’s a plus.
5. And let me know if we need to purchase a Macintosh computer for you too (I heard something called “TDM”).
Can you do some research? There’s at least two vendors that I’ve heard about: Sumuri and Blackbag. Check these out on the website. Make some phone calls if you’d like. Then tell me which product you would choose and why. Do your research carefully. No more than 2 pages please!
Note: This is an actual real-world example. Last year , I gave this assignment to two of my direct reports who delivered well on this! So, this has real-word applications for you!