sth you need to know: my course is a group of 4 students set up a fashion business and actually running the business like real, and our company is called Fluffy which sell accessories, you will find our business plan in attachment to know about us. And the coursework is ask us to write about the issue that we have faced and solved so you can make one up for me.
1.My role is Managing director (find details in attached)
2.Write only one issue of my role(Managing director) have been faced(you made it up), and apply one theory from choice of four (1.Deep vs surface Learning/2.Bloom’s Taxonomy/3.Kolb’s Learning Cycle/4.VARK) the teacher expect us to learn the theory by ourself so please use approperite reference please.coursework brief in attached.
3. a first class coursework example of my role is in attached if this might help
4. 20 good references
Thank you very much, please please help with care.

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