. Indicate whether each of the following is an example of
action research.
a. A researcher is interested in examining the correlation
between high-stakes testing and grades. The test scores
and grades are from 2000–2003.
b. A teacher is interested in studying the effects of smallgroup counseling on her students’ self-esteem. Thirty
students participate as subjects. The Coopersmith SelfEsteem Inventory is given as a pretest and a posttest,
and interviews are used to follow up with students every
c. Service learning is becoming very popular in both public schools and colleges and universities. However, relatively little is known about the perceptions of the
beneficiaries of the services. A study is prepared to
examine these perceptions using focus group interviews
and a questionnaire to ask participants about the characteristics of effective volunteers.
d. A principal is interested in knowing whether a new
procedure for aligning classroom assessments with graduation requirements will result in more students graduating.
e. To compare student achievement in the United States
with that of students in other countries, a professor
bought and used a CD containing three years of relevant data.