a. ST segment falls more than 1 mm below the baseline at a point one
small square to the right of the J point.
b. changes are seen in at least one or more leads facing the opposite
anatomic area of the heart.
c. associated T wave is inverted.
d. All of the above.
B. On the following illustrations, draw examples of each of the items listed beneath the figures.
a. Inverted T wave
b. Depressed ST segment
c. Elevated ST segment
d. Enlarged Q wave
C. Inverted T waves associated with myocardial ischemia
a. indicate the ischemia is present through the full thickness of the myocardium.
b. occur just at the start of the ischemia.
c. are asymmetrical.
d. are observed best in the limb leads.
D. Of the following three examples of inverted T waves, circle those that are symmetrical.