Incorporate art historical terminology and vocabulary correctly in your responses and provide examples of artworks to support your arguments.

In responding to the questions for each discussion board, you are encouraged select specific examples of art works from the text book to illustrate and support your points—these supporting examples of art works should be different from those that the author of the course text uses when discussing similar themes or issues. Include the artist, title and page number of each work of art you use. You may also find images of art works on the internet. If you do so, include the link and source information.

Be sure to support your responses with information from the textbook and other research sources and include a MLA-formatted (or APA, if that is what you use in your major discipline) references section on your initial post to each forum. Utilize ethical quoting, citing, and paraphrasing to properly attribute your sources.

Part II: In Chapter 5, Getlein covers the principles of design. For each term listed, identify an art work art included in the text, Living with Art, but NOT mentioned in either Chapter 4 or Chapter 5, that illustrates the principle in question and explain why you chose it (Note: in some cases you will find both the contrasting principles in the same work, (i.e. a painting that has both emphasis and subordination). You will have a minimum of 5 art works selected, maximum of 9. A required part of this question is to explain why you chose each work. Make sure we can “see” what you are seeing. Please include both the page number and illustration number in your response.)

1. unity and variety (describe an example of both terms here, either in the same work or in 2 different works)

2. symmetrical and asymmetrical balance (describe an example of both terms here, either in the same work or in 2 different works)

3. emphasis and subordination (describe an example of both terms here, either in the same work or in 2 different works)

4. scale and proportion (describe an example of both terms here, either in the same work or in 2 different works)

5. rhythm

500 words

Textbook Getlein, Mark. (2015) Living with Art (11th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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