In the following, Tasks 1, 2 and 4 are in the form of a report to the Managing Director of your company. The report should be based on the real-life study of an organisation with which you are familiar and /or you have researched. Task 2 is a written task that serves as introduction to Task 3, which is in the form of a short presentation.

Task 1: (Information and Knowledge needs)

  • For the Manager of a specified Department or Division of your chosen organisation, discuss some of the range of decisions in which he/she is likely to be involved.
  • What information and knowledge will help him/her?
  • What sources of information and understanding are currently available to the Manager? How reliable, effective and important are they?
  • How would you improve the use of information for decision making? Why?

Task 2: (Personal Networking)

  • List the stakeholders affected by decisions about improving your service.
  • As Manager, how will you establish contact and develop relationships with the people you identified in part 2.1?
  • Use stakeholder analysis to show how you will involve people in decisions about the service.
  • Show how a continuous improvement approach can be applied to your business to make stakeholder involvement better.

Task 3: (Communication Processes)

  • Present your assessment of current communication methods at your business to colleagues.
  • Design ways to make these communication processes more appropriate.
  • Implement changes that will mean more integrated communication systems.
  • What plan do you have to improve your own communication skills?

Task 4:  (Improving systems): Your real-life organisation

  • In your organization, how are information and knowledge collected, formatted, stored and made available?
  • Detail and justify your recommended changes to improve what you identified in part A of this task.
  • How can you make it easier for people in your organization to access the new information and knowledge systems?

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