Amanda Jones works as a chemical engineer at BrimChem, one of the top plastics companies in the country. Recently, a bright new chemical engineer named Paul Gibson was hired in her division. Paul was tall and good-looking, and he was always polite. At lunch during Paul’s first week, Amanda and a co-worker teased him about being a “Chippendales guy.” Paul laughed a little, but it was apparent that the comment offended him. So, Amanda was careful from then on about her comments regarding his appearance. A few months after starting at BrimChem, Paul went to a convention and came back somewhat agitated. Amanda asked him what was wrong. After a pause, Paul told her that one of the managers, Linda Juno, had made a pass at him one evening at the convention, suggesting he come up to her room “for a drink.” When he declined, she became angry and said, “Paul, you need to decide whether you want to make it in this company.” She didn’t speak to him for the rest of the convention. Paul told Amanda he was a bit worried about keeping his job with the company, since he was still on “probationary” status for his first year. Being on probation meant Linda or anyone else could have him fired for the slightest reason. Later that day, though, Linda came down to Paul’s office and seemed to be patching things up. After Linda left his office, Paul flashed Amanda a thumbs-up signal to show that things were all right. The next week, Amanda was working late and passed by Paul’s office. Linda was in his office giving him a back rub. He was obviously not enjoying it. He seemed to be making the best of it, though, and he said, “OK, thank you. I better finish up this report.” Linda was clearly annoyed and said, “Paul, I let you off once. You better not disappoint me again.” A minute later, Linda stormed out of Paul’s office. The next day, Paul stopped Amanda in the parking lot. “Amanda, I know you saw what happened last night. I’m going to file a harassment complaint against Linda. If I’m fired, I’ll sue the company. I’m tired of being harassed by her and other women in this company.” Amanda nodded. Then Paul asked, “Would you write an incident report about what you saw last night? I want to put some materials on file.” Amanda said she would. A week later, Paul was fired for a minor mistake. Amanda hadn’t finished writing up the incident report. If you were Amanda, what would you do at this point? If you would decide to finish writing the incident report, what would you say and how would you say it?

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