The assignment should present as Part A:
Introduction, body of discussion, conclusion, and references. 1800 words excluding references and in-text citations. As stated in the Learning Guide, you are required to write 1800 words about identifying the challenges and describing strategies for implementing evidence-based practice in a clinical setting (the focus of discussion). In general, this is a discussion about evidence-based practice. its challenges and barriers for implementation, and strategies for overcoming these barriers in relation to a chosen clinical setting (your expertise). Please be reminded that the discussion should be around a clinical setting not a specific clinical skill, e.g., medication error or wound dressing. For instance. you could relate the discussion to mental health setting, emergency department or surgical unit. You may consider to discuss 3 to 4 barriers/challenges followed by strategies. Then Part B Step 1 a) Research question. b) PICO and keywords in table format, Step 2- conduct a search using the keywords and search terms identified above, present what combination the keywords and terms you used and the search history (this could be 10 to 20, doesn’t include in word limit, last step-choose an article from the search. present its abstract and identify the PICO.
Advice Part A The assignment should present as Part A: Introduction, body of discussion, conclusion, and references. excluding references and in-text citations. 1800 words Learning module 1 is the key for part 1- simply speaking, the focus is barriers and challenges for implementing EBP in a chosen clinical setting and strategies for overcoming.
1. Be careful it’s not about general issue in clinical setting, like under staffing, lack of support for staff or miscommunication. But is barriers and challenges for implementing EBP in a chosen clinical setting and strategies for overcoming
2. It’s not about a clinical skill eg. Medication error, dressing or fall prevention but a clinical setting e.g. surgical, medical, mental health, rehabilitation, ICU or ED
3. You can discuss all barriers and challenges first then followed by discussion of strategies or discuss one specific barriers followed by strategies, then another one and etc.
4. References. minimum 10 and not older than 10 years. However, for those theory based reference. it can be older than 5 years. E.g. Theory of action was invented by Professor Smith (1921)5. 1800 word limit +/. 10% = 1620-1980 which is safety net. Anything over 1980 will not be marked.

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