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In Assignment 1, a videogame development company recently hired you as an Information Security Engineer. After viewing a growing number of reports detailing malicious activity, the CIO requested that you draft a report in which you identify potential malicious attacks and threats specific to your organization. She asked you to include a brief explanation of each item and the potential impact it could have on the organization.

After reviewing your report, the CIO requests that you develop a follow-up plan detailing a strategy for addressing all risks (i.e., risk mitigation, risk assignment, risk acceptance, or risk avoidance) identified in Assignment 1. Further, your plan should identify controls (i.e., administrative, preventative, detective, and corrective) that the company will use to mitigate each risk previously identified.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

  1. For each of the three (3) or more malicious attacks and / or threats that you identified in Assignment 1, choose a strategy for addressing the associated risk (i.e., risk mitigation, risk assignment, risk acceptance, or risk avoidance). Explain your rationale.
  2. For each of the three (3) or more malicious attacks and / or threats identified in Assignment 1, develop potential controls (i.e., administrative, preventative, detective, and corrective) that the company could use to mitigate each associated risk.
  3. Explain in detail why you believe the risk management, control identification, and selection processes are so important, specifically in this organization.
  4. Draft a one (1) page Executive Summary that details your strategies and recommendations to the CIO (Note: The Executive Summary is included in the assignment’s length requirements).
  5. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment (no more than 2-3 years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

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