Assessment 2: Case Study
Due date: Week 7 Group/individual: Individual Word count / Time provided: 2000 Weighting: 20% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO4
Assessment Details:
This case study will assess your knowledge of key content areas (Week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 contents) and to identify further support needs. For successful completion of the case study, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. By completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to identify key aspects of information systems. This will help in achieving ULO4. The case study will be completed and submitted in week 7. Assessment Details:
GovDept is a mid-size governmental department providing important services of a social nature to the population of a large territory. From the technology perspective, the organization can be considered as a late adopter of innovations and characterized by relative underinvestment in IT, which has certain implications for both its IT landscape and respective management practices. On the one hand, GovDept’s IT landscape is very heterogeneous and includes many legacy information systems and technologies some of which have been in use for decades. On the other hand, its IT-related

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