With competency based assessment all assessment requirements for each assessment task must be assessed as satisfactory (S) for a competent (CA) result to be recorded. If an assessment result for any task is assessed as not satisfactory (NS) a resubmission will be required for the outstanding (NS) assessment task.
Instruction/Task Criteria that you will be assessed on
Part A – Evidence-based research on Topic 1
Part B – Evidence-based research on Topic 2
Your ability to:
• Identify and examine current issue in your area of practice
• Establish and define research objectives
• Evaluate and select methods of gathering information

  • Identify and access credible sources of data and evidence
  • Gather information using a systematic approach
  • Prioritise information according to need
  • Establish the relevance of information gathered
  • Compare and contrast different sources of information
  • Assess the relevance and reliability of information in the context of your own work
  • Facilitate analysis by organising information in a way that supports its analysis and future use
  • Make and document conclusions based on findings
  • Identify issues that require further research and evaluation
  • Use information and learning from research to identify potential areas for change in current practice
  • Develop actions to address the outcomes of research


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