HRMT19016 Contemporary HRM Issues Assessment task 1 – Written task Annotated Bibliography Assessment details for all students


HRMT19016 MGF 1 Term 1, 2019

Assessment task 1— Annotated Bibliography (Individual task) Due date: 11:45PM AEST, Monday 15 April 2019 (Vacation Week) ASSESSMENT Weighting: 30% 1 Length: Submission: 1800 words excluding reference list. Online via Moodle  Objectives This assessment task relates to UNIT learning outcomes numbers 1 and 2. Before starting this assessment read this information including the marking criteria (below) and information provided about the requirements for compiling an Annotated Bibliography.  Purpose This written assessment is designed to assist students to develop a critical understanding in relation to human resource issues in contemporary organisations from your research of the current academic literature. This assessment task also provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate skills and knowledge in researching and evaluating sources for academic work.  Task Details Your task is to compile an Annotated Bibliography of four (4) recent academic peer reviewed journal articles, which will support your Assessment 2 for this Unit.  1. Identify four (4) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 2 topic published between 2013 and now. It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library.  The articles you select must not be those already posted on Moodle for this Unit.

2. Read the articles thoroughly.

3. Write a summary for each article: identify the main arguments presented, research methods (if applicable), and any conclusions made by the authors (min 100 – max 150 words for each article).

4. Critique each article with a discussion of the respective strengths and weaknesses, and how you will use the content in relation to the Assessment 2 topic (min 300 – max 350 words each article). (Note: if the article is not useful to developing argument in your Business Case then I strongly recommend that you discard it.) The total words for each article across the two paragraphs should not exceed 450 words.

5. Use in text referencing (refer to the CQU APA Referencing Guide) as appropriate to support your discussion in the paragraphs using the respective journals that you have identified.  You do not have to obtain any other sources than the four (4) journals you are using for this assessment, however you will need additional research for Assessment 2.

6. Your Annotated Bibliography should be in the required format; please refer to the Guide to the Annotated Bibliography on Moodle.

HRMT19016 Contemporary HRM Issues Assessment task 1 – Written task Annotated Bibliography Assessment details for all students

HRMT19016 MGF 2 Term 1, 2019

Assessment item 1 – Marking criteria for the Annotated Bibliography.

Your submission will be assessed on the extent to which it meets each of the following criteria: Does your Annotated Bibliography Weighting Research: Demonstrate research undertaken of the academic literature and identify four (4) academic peer reviewed journals articles in total relevant to the Assessment 2 topic between 2013 and now. (Note: if you do not identify an academic peer reviewed journal, you will not receive any marks in relation to that article across the criteria.) 20% Analysis: Provide a summary paragraph for each journal article of min 100 – max 150 words. Write a critique paragraph of each journal article of min 300 – max 350 words identifying strengths and weaknesses and how you will use the content in relation to the Assessment 2 topic.(These paragraphs must be written in third person.) 60% Referencing: Reference the journal articles according to the referencing protocol of the CQU APA Referencing Guide, for the reference list component, and the in text referencing.


Presentation and Communication: Format as per the guidelines provided on the Moodle site; use clear and concise communication; structure sentences and paragraphs appropriately; use appropriate language, grammar, spelling (Australian English), and punctuation; paragraphs are written in third person.


Your submission will be marked out of 100 (as above) and the mark converted to a result out of 30 which will be recorded in Moodle.


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