Listen to the podcast After the Flood: Act 1
Answer these questions below:
In question format, not in essay format.
1-After listening to the podcast, please describe your emotions in
particular to what you just heard. Did your emotions cause a change
in your perception of what was going on at the time in New Orleans?
If yes, how so?
2-What would be the most difficult aspect and situation to cope with?
How would your emotions affect your interpersonal communications
with individuals who are trapped along with you? how would you
interact with the law enforcement that are treating you in such a way
as they did in the interviewers in the podcast?
3. How would you react if you were the police officers that were
barricading the bridge, and preventing the civilians from crossing the
bridge to get to the west bank? Would you have done anything
differently in the context of a law enforcement officer?
4. Now, as you write this assignment. think back to when you were in
Quarantine. What have been some of the more difficult challenges for
you being in Quarantine? Has your communication with those in
Quarantine with you been affected negatively by the situation? Or
Positively in any way? How so? After listening to the podcast, has
your perception of being in this quarantine changed?
5-Please post a picture along with your response, that depicts the
hardest emotion you’d have to cope with in this particular context.
(The hardest emotion you’d have to deal with if you were in New
Orleans at the time of Katrina)