Reflect on how an important past event has shaped your self-understanding or has motivated you to pursue an undergraduate degree.
A & E Question 3: Select an article on a controversial public policy issue from a major publication such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or some other publication recommended by your instructor. Ask these questions of the author of the article, being careful to provide “in text” evidence to support your analysis:

  1. Does the author place the issue in broad context? How?
  2. Does the author suffer from tunnel vision?
  3. Does the author discount or ignore other perspectives on the issue?
  4. Does the author propose a creative solution to the issue?
  5. Does the author address the issue comprehensively?
  6. How might an interdisciplinary approach improve the author’s treatment of the issue?

Chapter 3 interdisciplinary Studies Defined (Same Book as Above)
CTQ Question 3: Consult Table 5.4 and identify (and justify) the disciplines that would be potentially interested in the subject of climate change. Identify at least four disciplines, making sure to explain which specific aspect of climate change that discipline would be interested in and why. You must include at least one discipline outside of the natural sciences.
A&E Question: In a short (250-word) essay, explain whether or not you believe that knowledge is simple, certain, and should be handed down by authorities (for example, your instructors and/or the text you are using).

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