This is a final paper of a presentation I did before, and I will upload my presentation draft for your reference, Since you have wrote two criticle papers for me, I assume you know my course well, but I will still upload the two criticle papers’ feedback to let you understand what does the prof want. Here is the Final paper instruction, I will upload another more clear instruction: The topic of each student’s final assignment will be the same as that for his or her oral presentation (titles will be assigned in due course). The final assignment is basically a longer and more in-depth version of the critique papers, covering a wide range of articles. The paper should be 3000 – 4000 words not including title or reference list, typed in 12-point font, double-spaced with 1 inch margins and in Microsoft Office or PDF file format. All references should be listed using APA-style. The final assignment will be assessed for clarity (15%), accuracy (15%) and critical analysis (15%).
For your information: Here is the presentation instruction, It is a debate presentation, there are 3 similar articles that I can choose from, my group member choose the other two, and there is also 3 opposite opinion articles from the other debate group, I will upload my presentation draft(included prof’s comment), the article I choose , the other two articles choices for my group member, and the other 3 articles from another group.
Everyone will be required to give an oral presentation as part of the ‘Debate’ sessions. Each debate will involve two groups, each taking opposite sides of a theoretical debate. Each group will be given a reading list and each member of the group will be asked to give a 10 minute PowerPoint oral presentation on an article from the reading list describing the theoretical background of the study, the methods and findings of the study, the strengths of the study, and why the study is important evidence for the theoretical viewpoint it supports. Similar to the critique papers, the presentations will be marked on the basis of structure and clarity (5%), accuracy (5%) and critical analysis (5%). After the individual presentations, the floor will be open for questions and each group must argue for their theoretical viewpoint.
For your information, here is the Course Description and Objectives:Current Topics in Memory & Cognition How does the brain process memories? Do different brain regions make distinct contributions to memory processing? Are there different types of memories? The present course is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of some of the key issues in the cognitive neuroscience of memory. Although you may have come across some of these topics in previous courses in Years 1 to 3, you will soon discover that there is considerable debate surrounding each one, with conflicting experimental data, differing interpretations of studies, and contrasting theoretical viewpoints. Throughout the course, you will be encouraged to engage in discussion and debate with your peers, and you will be given the opportunity to develop your critical thinking and presentation (written and oral) skills. In summary, by the end of the course, you will: A) Be knowledgeable in a number of current ‘hot topics’ in cognitive neuroscience memory research focused largely on the functions of the medial temporal lobe structures. B) Be able to consider experimental data critically, and reconcile divergent findings……..

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