Tough Mudder Pty. Ltd. is the company that manages the Tough Mudder Melbourne 2015 event. Tough Mudder Pty. Ltd. stages three events in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney and South East Queensland). The events are part of a network of 50 Tough Mudder events worldwide that are designed as tests of mental and physical strength. Conceived in 2010 by two graduates of Harvard Business School, the obstacles often play on common human fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights.
As a result, Tough Mudder Pty. Ltd. is the CLIENT for your consultancy report.

Client Brief:
Tough Mudder Pty. Ltd. are giving you a brief (i.e. set of instructions) for your consultancy. The client brief has five parts, and each represents a problem associated with managing the event. Each one is also aligned with one of our subject topics:
1. (Managing the event workforce) – To improve our service, we need to attract and retain the best event staff. How can we do this?
2. (Marketing) – We want to grow the market for our Tough Mudder Melbourne Event. How can we improve our marketing effort to expand the number of our customers?
3. (Sponsorship) – We want to increase our revenue for the event. How can we attract more sponsorship of Tough Mudder Melbourne?
4. (Media Management) – To grow our market, we need to improve our media management. How can we improve media coverage (new and old media) of our event?
5. (Operations) – We also want to improve our service for our Tough Mudder Melbourne customers. How can we solve some of our operational problems? (E.g. reduce long queues for customers, merchandising, improve car parking, enhance safety for our customers without detracting from the Tough Mudder experience)

What’s next?
• First, from the Client Brief above, choose one of the five event problems. This will be the focus of your consultancy report. You will need to define this problem in your report (Section 1 – “Problem Definition”);
• Second, read the relevant chapters of the e-books. Identify the relevant concepts, theories and event practices, then write your review of this literature (Section 2 – “Literature Review”);
• Third, using your literature review to guide you, choose three (3) options for solving your chosen event problem. From these three options, choose two options that you want to discuss briefly (Section 3 – “Data Collection & Findings”), and one that you want to discuss in detail (Section 4 – “In-depth Action Plan of One Solution”).
• Fourth, write about the advantages and disadvantages of each of your three options: for your “brief” options, do this in Section 3. For your “in-depth” option, do this in Section 4;
• Finally, for Section 4, write your detailed action plan that identifies what will be implemented, when and how it fully addresses the client brief in an innovative way.

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