Home Safety Assessment

It is important to identify health issues or concerns that may impact an individual or family in any setting.  This identification can help the nurse to address health promotion and disease prevention.

To complete this activity, you must complete the Family Support Assessment activity.  Click on Enter Sentinel City®.  Once in the city, click on the map to locate the apartment dwelling in Nightingale Square.  Approach the door next to the laundromat and enter the apartment.  Here you will complete the Home Safety Assessment by noting any health, safety, and environmental hazards in the apartment.  Note as many of the hazards that you observe.  Select and prioritize the top two hazards for health, safety, and environmental areas for a total of six hazards that the healthcare professional should address first:

  1. #1 = most serious hazard-life threatening
  2. #2 = second most important-potential to affect the most people or cause long-term injury

Try to avoid prioritizing the same hazard in multiple categories.  Provide an evidence-based rationale and a recommendation for addressing the top two hazards in each category.  Click the “Family Support Assessment” tab at the top of the screen and review the information on the form.

Reading and Resources

Chapter 16 pages 297-316, Chapter 23 pages 395-404, Chapter 20 pages 367-375, Chapter 26 pages 439-447 in Fundamentals of Case Management Practice.

Review clinical guidelines of the AHRQ

Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations

Evidence-based research provides the basis for sound clinical practice guidelines and recommendations. The datab…

Additional Instructions:

  • All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  • Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  • Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  • Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

**Family Support Assessment Required

Submission Option



  • 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages

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