Please read each one in order to complete the course assignments for this Module.

The Case of Sacco and

Vanzetti by Felix Frankfurter Sacco and Vanzetti

the Historical and Legal Setting

Video:  The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial (The History Channel)





M4:2–Written Assignment Based on this week’s readings and as much independent research necessary to complete this assignment, answer the following question:  Given the number of people convicted of crimes in the past several years, that have eventually been exonerated due to DNA evidence, is the American legal system irreparably biased against defendants and what changes would you propose to mitigate the effects of those biases? Please adhere to the Guide lines for Written Assignments contained in the syllabus.  Cite appropriately and include a Works Cited page.  Please upload your paper as a word doc or pdf file. This assignment is due by 11:55p.m. on April 19, 2020.






All written assignments are to be typed, on white paper, double-spaced, and have one (1″) inch margins all around.  Font size should be no larger than 12 point nor smaller than 10 point.  Please keep a back-up copy for your records.  Unless otherwise stated, written assignments should be from three(3) to four (4)pages in length. Written assignments are to be submitted as a hard copy in the class for which it is due.



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