Nurse Interview

Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to explore a career in nursing through the lens of an experienced registered nurse.

Directions: Conduct an informal face-to-face interview with a registered nurse (of at least two years’ experience) that you have chosen. Use the sample questions below. No phone interviews. Use the grading rubric provided in Blackboard to guide the interview. Such open ended phrases as “Tell me more about….” will help you gather additional information during the interview. At the end, in a paragraph discuss what you think is different today than with your interviewee. (Compare and Contrast).

Interview Questions:

1. Why did you choose nursing as a career?

Life as a nursing student

2. What year did you enter nursing school?
3. What was the name of the nursing school you attended?
4. What type of nursing program was it? (diploma, associate degree, baccalaureate degree).
5. What made you choose that nursing school and program?
6. Describe your first year in nursing school for me.
• What was the classroom and clinical experience like?
• Were there any little things that came up during that year that you would like to share?
7. Were you happy with your experiences in nursing school? Why or why not?
8. Were there any particular prominent health issues or discoveries at the time? (example HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, avian flu, insulin pump, pacemakers, etc.)
9. What was the healthcare environment like? (example, in hospitals, community, surgical centers and so on)
10. What were the common health issues of the time?
11. Is there anything else you would like to share with me about your experience as a nursing student?

Life as a registered nurse

1. Please share with me your career experiences as a nurse. Where are the places you have worked? Why did you pick those places? Tell me about your first job, what was it like as a new nurse?
2. Did you further your nursing education? If yes, where and why?
3. Tell me how the healthcare environment has changed over your career?
4. Tell me about your most memorable experience as a nurse? Was it a positive or negative experience? Why?
5. Has your career as a nurse met your initial expectations when you chose it as a career path? Why or why not?
6. If you could change anything in nursing and health care, what would it be? Why?
7. Is there anything else you would like to share with me about your experience as a nurse?

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