. The purpose of the resource is to educate readers on a relevant food topic. Please choose one of the following audiences for your resource: –

  • Parents of overweight children aged 5-7 (OR)
  • Sedentary Office workers

In your 1000 word supporting statement you must:

-outline of the evidence based rationale for the chosen food topic

-background information on your target audience

-critically appraise existing media resources available

-outline the aims and objectives of your resource

-discuss the theory you have used to base your resource on

-include a downloadable/ accessible link to your resource in the appendix of the supporting statement.

-critically reflect upon the role of the use of media to disseminate nutritional information.

Your media object:

-this should be accessed via a website or a downloadable resource.

-media platforms you may want to consider using are: adobe voice, sway, slate, prezzi, youtube video, PowToon, word document, poster, news article etc

-the approximate attention span of most users is 15 minutes therefore they should be able to access all of the information they need in 15 minutes.

-ensure your media resource is relevant to your target audience and pitched at the appropriate level.

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