1. The unlocking of the knee joint is done by the hamstring muscles.

2. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles play an important role in the venous return process.

3. The upper lateral quadrant part of the gluteal region is the recommended part for intramuscular injections.

4. Winging of the scapula is a result of the long thoracic injury.

5. Lymph vessels from the breast drain in to the axillary and the parasternal lymph nodes.

6. Claw hand indicates injury of the median nerve.

7. Abduction of the arm is largely affected by the axillary nerve injury.

8. Drop of the upper limb after fracture of the clavicle is due to interruption of the function of the coracoclavicular ligament.

9. Fracture at the middle part of the shaft of the humerus may result in wrist drop.

10. Lateral pressure on the medial side of the upper half of the arm will control bleeding in the arm.




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