For each of the following familiar problems, frame them in the specified way. Your goal is simply to describe the problem using the concepts that are central to the relevant field, not to offer solutions to it.
a. The high rates of teenage pregnancy (economic and emotional).
b. Religious intolerance (economic and cultural).
c. Adolescent drug use (physiological and psychological).
d. Online file sharing of music and movies (economic and cultural).
Using the SEEC definition method as a guide, clearly state your views on the following issues. Remember, your goal here is not to give reasons to believe that your view is correct or true, but only to state it in a way that will help others avoid confusing it with other similar views. (If you do not have a fixed opinion, just pretend that you do.)
a. Whether Sunday is better than Saturday.
b. Whether humans descended from other species.
c. When abortion should be legal.
d. What the country should do to reduce drug use.
e. How to deal with the rising costs of college education.
f. Whether it is sometimes OK to lie to a friend.