Order instructions
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background & Significance
- Identify an area of concern or phenomena of interest with a particular population and/or setting.
- Include the problem statement indicating what is not known and provides the basis for the purpose of the review.
Statement of Purpose of the study
- Formulate the purpose statement indicating the specific focus and aim of the review.
Research questions
- Formulate 1-2 research questions that will address the problem and purpose of the study. This must match the purpose of the study.
Conceptual framework
- Define the major concepts related to the study phenomena and explain how it fits the study
- Include a conceptual diagram/map if possible
Chapter 2: Methods
- Indicate and define what literature review design you are using (integrative, systematic, meta-analysis, etc.).
- Provide rationale for the design. Why is it necessary to use that particular design rather than another?
Literature Search Strategies
- Indicate which databases will be searched (PubMed, CINAHL, etc.).
- Indicate keywords (search terms) and procedures used to search the literature in the databases.
Literature Search Limitations and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
- Include inclusion and exclusion criteria to be used for retaining or eliminating the literature: is the search limited to peer-reviewed articles, certain years, language, discipline, etc.? How many articles will be initially retrieved? How many articles will be reviewed for the paper? How many articles will be selected for the final review? Articles must be primary sources (within the past ten years), no secondary sources.
- Include search outcomes using the diagram of review process and study selection (see Shimpuku & Norr, 2012, p. 1694).
Data Synthesis & Analysis (in 401 and continue working after 401)
- Clearly explain and discuss how to conduct data synthesis and data analysis. The data from primary sources will be ordered, coded, categorized, and summarized into a unified and integrated results. It includes the following steps as outlined by Whittemore & Knafl (2005):
- Data Reduction: the selected studies will be divided into subgroups according to a logical system to facilitate analysis (use techniques of extracting and coding data to simplify, abstract, focus, and organize the data into a manageable framework). The relevant data of each subgroup classification will be extracted from studies.
- Data Display: data will be assembled as group data and converted into a display around variables or subgroups. It will be in the form of a table (also called matrix) for comparison across all of the selected data. Data may include but not limited to: author and year; study design; study aims/objectives; conceptual framework; concepts measured; data analysis technique; results; strengths/weaknesses, etc.
- Data Comparison: it is a process of examining the data in order to identify patterns, themes, or relationships and answer the research question(s).
Chapter 3: Results
- Synthesis across studies (literature is reviewed by idea and key variables, not a particular study)
Chapter 4: Discussion
- Address the major findings of the study
- Compare the findings with the previous studies
- Include nursing implications, limitations, future direction for research, and conclusions.
Research Proposal
Evaluation Criteria for Integrative/Systematic Review
Content | POINTS
30 | |
Conceptual Model/Theoretical Approach
10 | |
· Design · Search Strategies · Search Limitations · Diagram of review process and study selection (Shimpuku & Norr, 2012)
30 | |
Data Analysis · Clearly explain the data analysis procedure · Construction of Data Table (Table)
10 | |
Organization of Document and APA format
20 | |
Total Points
100 |