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For this assignment, you are to follow the life of a star. Specifically, you will pick a star of a particular mass (pick any mass you’d like). Once you’ve selected the mass of the star, your assignment is to report on the stages of the star throughout its life cycle. These include their formation, when they are on the Main Sequence, how they die, and what they become after death. Your paper should have a series of sections for each of the above stages. In each stage,you should be sure to include: The size of the star or its material What the star is made out of, and what is happening in it The star’s physical properties, such as mass, size, temperature, etc What the star is giving off that we would detect on Earth How long the star will be in this stage of development A photograph from a reputable source (such as NASA) of a star in this stage of development An HR Diagram with a dot placed where the star is at the stage of development being addressed When you are finished with this paper, I should be confident that you understand the life cycle of the particular mass star you are discussing very well. You should demonstrate an understanding of this life cycle, including the details of stellar states, the transitions from one state to another, etc.

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