or the wires shown in the Figure below, the wires on the left carry a current of I1 = I2 = 1.6A (out of the page), the wire on the right carries a current of I3 = 3.2A (into the page), a = 0.16 m and b= 0.34 m.

a) Find in Tesla the magnitude of the magnetic fields at point X due to the wire carrying I3.

b) Find the direction (as an angle relative to traditional positive x-direction) of the magnetic fields at point X due to the wire carrying I3.

c) Find in Tesla the magnitude of the magnetic fields at point X due to the wire carrying I1.

d) Find the direction (as an angle relative to traditional positive x-direction) of the magnetic fields at point X due to the wire carrying I1.

e) Find in Teslas the magnitude of the overall magnetic field due to all 3 wires at point X.

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