Make sure in your discussion that you stay focused on analyzing the film, so when you make a point, use specific examples from the film to illustrate it. And don’t forget to end with a discussion question of your own!

Discussion questions:

1. Part of what’s so interesting about Memento is its narrative structure. It’s told in reverse, but it’s more complicated than that. Write a brief outline of the narrative. How does the narrative structure fundamentally change the film? If the film was told in chronological order how would that change your understanding of what happens? The limited edition release of the DVD has the film in chronological order under the “Special Features” — if you’re interested, you can watch the film in chronological order — if you do this (not required!), you will see that the narrative structure is quite complicated no matter what order you watch it in!

2. Identify the syuzhet and the fabula (plot and story). How do the syuzhet and the fabula differ in this film? What’s significant about what’s included in the running time of the film?

3. Look carefully at which scenes are in color and which are in black and white. What is significant about which are in color (and which aren’t). What do those shifts indicate? Why are the shifts in color important to our understanding of the film?

4. What is your assessment of the character of Teddy? Is he a protagonist? Antagonist? How do you know?

No words limit. Answer all questions fully.

Film site:

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