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Selection, Explanation and Commitment to Experiential Learning

After reviewing the three “experiential learning” opportunities you identified on your “Experiential Opportunity” worksheet, pick the opportunity you are most motivated to pursue this year.   Using the information from your G.P.S., provide an explanation of how this opportunity aligns with your values and plays to your strengths.  Explain how engaging in this opportunity in the coming year will help you move toward becoming your “most successful self” and specify the three steps you will take to connect with this opportunity before the end of the academic year.

Explain how this opportunity aligns with your values:





Explain how this opportunity plays to your strengths:






Explain how engaging in this opportunity will help you move toward becoming your “most successful self:









What are the THREE steps you will take to connect with (and become engaged in) this opportunity by the end of the academic year:





“I commit to completing these steps by May 2020 to launch my journey into experiential learning.”

YOUR SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________________________________________

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