Theme of 20th Century World History

Beneath the title of your theme you will notice three eras, which will help to organize your essay. Also notice specific localities/key words – these must be included in your work, though you will need to decide in what order they will make the most sense. Any questions associated with your theme are meant as guides only – you can ask big questions of your own. Finally, each theme has one book that must be used (see below), along with others of your own choosing, when writing about the theme.



Period One: 1914-1960

Period Two: 1960-1982

Period Three: 1982-2000

Key Words: First and Second Wave Feminism;; International Women’s day; Simone de Beauvoir; The Equal Rights Amendment; post-feminism;

How did feminists after 1960 or so differentiate themselves from the women’s rights movement’s that came before them? How where they similar and what did they accomplish? Why do theorists categorize feminism as having three waves?

Book: Scott, Joan Wallach. Feminism and History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

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