Business communication outline and resource report. please see attached for discription. 1000word report topic is implementing a social media in the work place. APA 6th Ed referance required.


Assessment 2A (Report Outline and Resource Analysis) 1000 word


Topic: implementing a digital communication strategy in an organization.


(A.          Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate)


Report outline (only tells the reader only what to expect from the report)


The Resource Analysis list some useful resources for the report to be used (for written report) indicate their reliability.



Background of the issue

Topic of the report

Purpose of the report

Intended audience (who will read the report?)

Background of the organization

Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement



List the main sections or headings to be included in the discussion section of your report

Find 4 research sources that will be useful for completing the Assessment2B report. Two of the research sources must be from reliable academic sources, such as academic journals. The other two sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites, youtube or Tedtalks

1.            A Brief summary of which each resource, justifying why it is relevant to the topic of your report


Provide the following for each resource in turn:

1.            Name of the resources (e.g 21st century communication)

2.            Type of resource (e.g. website, article, video)

3.            Evaluate the reliability of each resource by applying the five reliability tests


Conclusion: explain what questions will be answered in the conclusion of the report (but don’t provide the answers)


Recommendations: Recommendations are advice about what to do next in order to improve or solve problems, outline what problems or types of improvements will be addressed in your report recommendations (but don’t give any recommendations)

Reference list – include references to all four sources of research information in the APA 6th ed style.


Assessment Attributes

Report outline format

Proposed report content


Summarizing resources

Reliablity test






My Drift report


Executive summary


The Internet based digital communication technologies has changed the way we communicate. Unlike traditional communication tools such as print newsletter, mail, radio and TV, the new digital communication platform has impacted and changed how people sent messages and share information. Now many organizations starting to implement and take opportunities presented by new digital communications and by the usages of social media platforms in particular.


The shift to digital communication has changed the way the people interact, find, share and discuss information and has opened up whole new models for engagement and participation. People now expect to be able to receive and discover up to date information instantly. Online platform and social media opposed to traditional methods such as table meeting or international telephone call meeting, the new digital communication can improves efficiencies in the workplace communication, because wireless internet, smart phones, tablet computers also become widespread amongst people and now its norm to access and share information from each other to overcome boundaries and save times in communications.


Adopting a new digital communication technology allows employees to share work related information such as current or new ideas and positive news but on the other hand there are some draw backs as employees can get distractions by over usage and may used unintended ways which can impact their job in negative ways. Freedom of speech requires responsibilities and companies need to emphasis its policies of right usages.


The purpose of this report is to outline how implementing a social media communication tools in the workplace can impact the organization.  The report will provide guidance to the managing director of organization about pro and cons of using Social Media in the workplace.



4 Research Sources


1.            The Impact of Social Media in the Workplace (academic journals)


2.            Social Media and Productivity in the Workplace: Challenges and Constraints (academic journals)


3.            Digital Communication in The workplace is no longer optional?)



4.            Why social media policy is important for your organization?


According to the Proskauer global survey 90% of companies now use media for business purposes. The majority of companies use social media for activities such as marketing, customer services. However not all companies openly embrace using a social media. According to Osterman Research there some negative reason for this there is a fairly widespread perception that social media are used by employees to waste time in non productive work







Background of the issue

Topic of the report

Purpose of the report

Intended audience (who will read the report?)

Background of the organization

Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement



List the main sections or headings to be included in the discussion section of your report

Find 4 research sources that will be useful for completing the Assessment2B report. Two of the research sources must be from reliable academic sources, such as academic journals. The other two sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites, youtube or Tedtalks


Provide the following for each resource in turn:

4.            Name of the resources (e.g 21st century communication)

5.            Type of resource (e.g. website, article, video)

6.            Evaluate the reliability of each resource by applying the five reliability tests


Conclusion: explain what questions will be answered in the conclusion of the report (but don’t provide the answers)


Recommendations: Recommendations are advice about what to do next in order to improve or solve problems, outline what problems or types of improvements will be addressed in your report recommendations (but don’t give any recommendations)





With the exponential growth in the world of social media it has changed the ways people communicate, share information and build relationship with each other, especially with interactive dialogue features now readers, viewers and listeners can participate to create and development of content. More companies are beginning to realize that one way communication methods is things in the past. Employees who feel as they are being listened to are more likely to stay with their employers and increase their motivation and improve work performance. (Solar, 2018)

7 Reasons Social Media in the Workplace can Help Employees

Implementing a digital communication strategy in an organization

There are many benefits to using a social media in the organization. Such as improved communication within the company, promotion of the company brand, recruiting a new staff, and better customer service.  A study by McKinsey Global Institute discovered that while 72 percent of companies are using social media most are not using to its fullest potential. According to this research if companies were to fully implement social media use they could improve employee productivity by 20 to 25 percent.




2.            A Brief summary of which each resource, justifying why it is relevant to the topic of your report



Social media in the workplace – the good and the bad

The use of social media in the workplace or the implementation of social media networking site can provide a variety of benefits such as

1.            Productivity increase

2.            Collaboration

3.            Retention

4.            Intelligence



Recommendations (APA6th ed style)





[1] The assignment may be submitted up until 11:59pm on the due date.

[2] The word count can be exceeded by 100 words only.

[3] Oliver Hume South East Queensland Pty Ltd v Investa Residential Group Pty Ltd [2017] FCAFC 141 [33] (Dowsett J).

[4] 'Gympie Pyramid' Sparks Aboriginal Land Rights Claim (2016) Gympie Times .

[5] Kenneth C. Hodgkinson, “Land Of Sweeping Plains: Managing And Restoring The Native Grasslands Of South-Eastern Australia” (2017) 25(1) Restoration Ecology.

[6] Geoff Egan, Carmichael Coal Mine Native Title Case ‘Shambolic’: Judge (2015) Fraser Coast Chronicle .

[7] John Morton, “‘Mother's Blood, Father's Land’: Native Title And Comparative Land Tenure Modelling For Claims In ‘Settled’ Australia” (2017) 87(1) Oceania.

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