Question 1
a)Refering to Environmental Impact Assesment(EIA)process explain the followong phrases giving relevant examples.
*Impact significance
*environmental management plan(EMP)(15 marks)
b)Outline the strategic Environmental Assessment process indicating clearly its key milestones.(10 marks
Question 2
a)List the possible participants to an Environmental Impact Assessment exercise.(5 marks)
b)Explain the benefits local community may get when they actively participate in an Environmental Impact Assessment.(10 marks)
Question 3
Using appropriate examples from kenya,explain the implications of not carrying out a Strategic Environmental Assessment before the implementation of any policy or plan. (15 marks)
Question 4
a)Explain why stakeholder involvement through consultation and participation in an Environmental Impact Assessment is essential? (10 marks)
b)What are the challenges likely to be faced in a stakeholder involvement during an Environmental Impact Assessment? (5marks)
Question 5
Compare and contrast between Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment. (15 marks)
Question 6
a)list at least three tools that can be used in an Environmental Impact Assessment process.(6marks)
b)What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Geographic Information System(GIS)in an Environmental Impact Assessment exercise? (9marks)
Question 7
state and explain the crieria for determing significance of an environmental impact assessment.(15 marks)




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