1 (a) Explain with three examples the concept cognitive processes.
(b) Explain with an example in each case the following
(i) Vicarious reinforcement
(ii) Secondary reinforcement
(iii) Extrinsic motives
(c ) Explain why according to Abraham Maslow it is difficult to reach self-actualization
2 (a) Describe the structure of personality according to Sigmund Freud
(b) Explain the relevance of psychology to education
3.(a) Using a classroom example explain the components of an attitude
(b) Explain how the process of memory takes place when the learner is in class
4.(a) With an example from a school situation, explain Albert Baidura”s social learning theory
(b) Explain the exchange theory of interpersonal attraction
5.(a) Explain how selective attention influences a person”s perception in class
(b) Using three examples, explain the concept memory aids






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