1. Telecommunications adds value to business. Discuss.
2. Explain the role that the systems software and application software play in business decision making.
3. Outline the different types of computers and explain how the development in computer technology has revolutionized the business environment.
4. What is business information systems? Explain how business information systems motivate the business resources to work as a unified whole.
5. Discuss the role of intelligence support systems in managerial decision making.
6. Transaction processing systems is the gateway to the business success in an organization. Discuss.






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Compare and contrast clinical health services to public health and epidemiology in terms of a) how they are defined, b) goals, c) their target focus and d) functions. Managerial epidemiology is integrated through general management functions. Explain each of the management functions in terms of the managerial epidemiology, i.e., what are the: Planning functions, example(s)? Directing functions, example(s)? Controlling functions, example(s)? Organizing functions, example(s)? Financing function, example(s)? Describe the “natural history of disease” and disease progression from its inception to its resolution What are some of the many epidemiologic contributions to quality assurance in healthcare and public health? December 31, 2009: A 48 year old male computer technician with hypertension, smoker, sedentary lifestyle, who does not do any aerobic exercise, enjoys fast food, eating it three times per day, with a family history of coronary artery disease (CAD), and a personal history of high cholesterol has a stressful deadline at work, which requires him to travel 17 hours on a plan to go on location in Australia. Unfortunately, he suffers an acute myocardial infarction in route to location and dies. He is now part of our epidemiology population mortality statistics. Calculate the U.S. Mortality Rates, which includes our computer technician in terms of crude rate of mortality, adjusted mortality rates and cause-Specific mortality rate using the 2009 statistics. Input Data for Calculations: ___________________ -2009 U.S. Census: 305,529,237 Total -2009 U.S. Census: Males 148,094,000 -2009 U.S. Census: Females 153,388,000 Population by Age and Sex: 2009 Age Both sexes Male Female Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent .35 to 39 20,445 6.8 10,169 6.9 10,275 6.7 .40 to 44 20,877 6.9 10,322 7.0 10,556 6.9 .45 to 49 22,712 7.5 11,162 7.5 11,550 7.5 .50 to 54 21,654 7.2 10,611 7.2 11,043 7.2 .55 to 59 18,755 6.2 9,083 6.1 9,671 6.3 ___________________ -2009 U.S. Deaths: 2,436,682 -2009 U.S. Male Deaths 1,217,047 -2009 U.S. Female Deaths 1,219,635 ___________________ 2009 Deaths By Gender/Age All races, male All ages……………1,217,047 1-4 years………………14,872 5-14 years………………2,507 15-24 years…….………3,244 25-34 years…..………22,294 35-44 years……………29,150 45-54 years……………46,498 55-64 years…….……114,615 65-74 years…….……183,945 75-74 years…….……225,740 75-84 years…….……311,135 >=85 years…….……262,839 Not stated……………………206 2009 CVD/ Heart Attack Mortality, Male/Age Age (All) 186,464 35-44 55,957 45-54 115,615 55-64 276,844 65-74 677,598 Source: CDC (2009) ________________ Case Questions: a. Calculate the Crude mortality rate for the entire U.S. in 2009. b. Calculate a total adjusted mortality rates by gender for all men (males-only). c. Calculate an age/sex adjusted mortality rate using the demographics of the diseased computer technician. d. Compare b) morality rate calculated with c) mortality rate calculated. Is the adjusted mortality rate for males, age 45-54 years of age higher or lower than for all males, all ages? e. Calculate a Cause-Specific mortality rate for deaths related to Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Attacks), using the demographics of our computer technician. For a custom-written paper, place your order now! What We Offer • On-time delivery guarantee • PhD-level professionals • Automatic plagiarism check • 100% money-back guarantee • 100% Privacy and Confidentiality • High Quality custom-written papers

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