1. (a) In the world of law enforcement age, agencies are moving from reactive to proactive intelligence led policing. Briefly discuss what you understand by intelligence in respect to criminal investigations. [10 marks]
(b) Discuss five step intelligence analytical cycle process. [14 marks]
(c) Briefly state and explain the categories of criminal intelligence. [6 marks]
2. (a) Write short notes on:-
(i) Informant
(ii) A confidential informant
(iii) An agent
(iv) Contact [20 Marks]
3. (a) Informants reveal information to law enforcement officers for various reasons. Briefly discuss seven reasons motivation informants to give information to law enforcement agencies. [14 Marks]
(b) Explain the responsibilities of an investigator in regard to treatment of an informant. [6 Marks]
4.Examine E. Locard’s principle of exchange