NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
For this assignment, you will examine an ethical dilemma that exists in pediatric settings. You will examine the ethical dilemma from two opposing positions and consider ethical principles, conflict between the principles and the relationship of the ANA Code of Ethic’s provisions in relation to both positions. You will also discuss potential resources, possible outcomes of both positions and develop a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the nurse). You will submit an individual paper grounded in scholarly sources with a reflection on your values.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Provides individualized comprehensive care for children and their families with multiple health problems in
institutions and community care settings from birth through adolescence. (PO 1)
4. Utilizes critical thinking skills in clinical decision making in the care of pediatric clients. (PO 4)
6. Utilizes legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles, including those related to child abuse recognition
and intervention, as a basis for pediatric clinical decision‐making. (PO 6)
8. Utilize research findings as a basis for nursing interventions in pediatric healthcare settings and the development
of professional nursing papers. (PO 8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. 1) An ethical dilemma with opposing positions will be assigned by your instructor.
2) Although you may not agree with one of the positions, reflect on your views, respect other perspectives, and
examine scholarly literature on both positions.
3) When faced with ethical dilemmas, nurses often find conflict or differences in values. It is important for nurses to
explore their own values in order to respect other’s values and differences. A section for self‐reflection is included
in this assignment as the last page of the paper and it will not be graded for APA style.
4) Write a 3‐5 page paper (not including the title page, reference page, and the reflection) using APA format.
5) Use this link to take you directly to the ANA website to access the Code of Ethics. When prompted, choose “No I do
not wish to register at this time. Take me to the Code now.” https://www.nursingworld.org/practice‐
6) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library. 7) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):
a. Introduction ‐10 points/10%
• Description of the dilemma is clear.
• Statistical significance to Pediatric nursing is included.
• Pro and con positions of the dilemma are presented.
• A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the dilemma.
b. Ethical Principles ‐20 points/20%
• Brief description of ethical principles (may cite textbook).
• Applicable ethical principle(s) to support the pro position are used.
• Applicable ethical principle(s) to support the con position are used.
• Discussion of which, if any, ethical principles are in conflict with the opposing positions.
• Discussion supported by scholarly sources.
c. ANA Code of Ethics Provisions‐ 30 points/30%
• Brief description of the ANA Code of Ethics.
• Appropriate three (3) provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply to the ethical dilemma.
• Discussion of how the chosen provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics help guide the nurse in the ethical
d. Outcomes and Plan ‐ 20 points/20%
• Discuss possible outcomes of the pro position.
• Discuss possible outcomes of the con position.
• Present resources available in the community to resolve the dilemma (hotlines, shelters, agencies etc.).
• Explain how resources could help in resolving the dilemma.
• Present a plan for resolving the dilemma (for child, family and nurse).
e. APA Style and Organization – 10 points/10%
• References are submitted with paper.
• Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
• Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
• At least three (3) nursing, scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook, are provided.
• One (1) scholarly source must be the ANA Code of Ethics Provisions.
f. Reflection ‐ 10 points/10%
• Last page of the paper after references.
• Reflection of own values and morals as it relates to the ethical dilemma.
• Discussion on possible cultural, social, or religious influences.

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