Web-Based Course Management Systems Most colleges and universities use some sort of Webbased course management system to provide online classes or an additional resource for face-to-face classes. Evaluate the effectiveness of the course management system at your school by breaking into two groups. Have one group create a survey and distribute it to students that are using the system. Have the other group create a survey and distribute it to faculty that are using the system. The survey should contain 8 to 10 questions and focus on the type of materials that are posted on the system, the amount of time respondents use or access the system on a weekly basis, their opinion of the effectiveness of this media for learning, and the integrity of the learning that takes place in this environment. Distribute the survey to at least 10 students and 10 faculty members. As a team, collect and summarize the results. Present your summary and analysis of the data in a PowerPoint presentation.

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