Political economy
Country will be BANGLADESH
USE at least 6 references from the following and other references will be from GOOGLE SCHOLAR
Venables, A.J. (1996) ‘International trade’ in Mackintosh, M., Brown, V. Costello, N., Dawson, G., Thompson, G. and Trigg, A. eds, Economics and Changing Economics, Milton Keynes, Open University, pp 433-36
Rogowski, R. (2010) ‘Commerce and coalitions: how trade affects domestic political alignments’, in Frieden, J.A., Lake, D.A. and Broz, J.L. eds, International Political 6 Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, 5th ed., New York, W.W. Norton and Co., pp 365-75
List, F. (1997) ‘Political and cosmopolitan economy’, in Crane, G.T. and Amawi, A. eds, The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp 48-54
Chang, H.J. (2007) Bad Samaritans: Rich Nations, Poor Policies & the Threat to the Developing World, Random House Business Books, London, pp21-30
Selwyn, B. (2009) ‘An historical materialist appraisal of Friedrich List and his modern-day followers’, New Political Economy, 14(2): pp161-70
Robinson, J. (1991) ‘Trade in primary commodities’ in Frieden, J.A., Lake, D.A. and Broz, J.L. eds, International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth, 2nd ed., New York, St Martin’s Press, pp 376-85Preview the documentView in a new window
Frank, A.G. (1970) ‘The development of underdevelopment’, in Rhodes, R.I. ed., Imperialism and Underdevelopment, New York, Monthly Review, pp 4-17
Brewer, A. (1990) Marxist Theories of Imperialism, London, Routledge, pp196-99
Giddens, A. (1993) ‘Work and Economic Life’, Sociology, 2nd ed., Cambridge, Polity, pp490- 96
Castells, M. (2000) The Rise of the Network Society, 2nd ed. Oxford, Blackwell, pp163-80
Gilpin, R. (2001) Global Political Economy, Princeton, Princeton University Press, pp261-74
Cohn, T. (2012) Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice, 6th ed., New York, Pearson, pp 361-74
Silver, B. (2003) Forces of Labour, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp168-79
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