The topic debate is: Ethics training and education and its impact on corporate behaviour globally.
Student 1: ((Ethics education and training will reduce corporate collapses globally in the future)).
It is a Debate I will do the student 1 there is a folder with the instructions of Debate in the folder I downloaded
-I need example and evidence in the debate to proof ((Ethics education and training will reduce corporate collapses globally in the future)).
-it should have information about Global Citizenship and it is the high mark in the assignment.
-there are different case we should use from them to evidence my opinion.
(-Arthur Andersen And Enron.
-Australian wheat board.
-Chartwell enterprises.
-HIH insurance Group.
-James Hardie industries.
-Lehman Brothers.
-Robert Maxwell.
-National Australia bank.
– Parmalat.
-Reserve Bank Australia (RBA).
-Satyam Computer Services.
-Worldcom .)
Global Citizenship Resources