Your final for this class is to plan your Leadership Profile. In this discussion you will have an opportunity to test drive your rough draft.

Someday you will be featured on your company’s website, association newsletter, or industry publications. What do you want your digital leadership profile to include? Create a 400-500 word biography, blog post, welcome letter, or newspaper article that describes you as a leader. You can create this leadership profile writing in first, second or third person. The primary purpose is that a reviewer can read your leadership profile and have a good understanding of you as a leader. You will need to include a minimum of 5 leadership concepts from the textbook in your profile.

To earn full credit, please complete the following:

1) Describe your Leadership Traits (Pg. 19); and Leadership Qualities (Pg. 37); in your profile.

2) Select 3 other leadership ideas from the text to discuss in terms of your personal leadership.

3) Have your rough draft evaluated by 2 trusted reviewers (Mentors, Employers, Community Leaders) from outside the class. Share their comments in this discussion post.

4) Post your leadership profile in this discussion.

5) Comment on 5 classmates’ post with advice, encouragement or questions. (Please make all comments within 24 hours of the original discussion deadline.)

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