Essay Questions. Answer the following questions thoroughly. These questions must be submitted for grading. Take your time and completely answer each one. Remember: Do not copy your answers from the textbook. Each answer should be one to two pages long.

  1. The Electoral College is an often-debated feature of the U.S. Constitution. It has had a decisive impact on several presidential elections and always affects campaign strategy. Describe how the Electoral College functions and its impact on presidential campaigns. What are the arguments for and against keeping this system? Which arguments appear stronger to you?


  1. What were some of the obstacles that prevented African-Americans and women from receiving the right to vote? How was the right to vote gained by these groups? What legislation was passed to guarantee African-Americans and women the right to vote?

3.  Describe the presidential campaign process from the presidential primaries to the general election.


  1. Describe in detail the influences of party loyalty, candidate evaluation, issue voting, and the effect of the media on a voter’s decision at the ballot box.


  1. Who does not vote and why? What proposals do you find attractive to increase voter participation?


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