Crime Measure Assignment : Each student must go to the FBI website, find the Crime in the United States Reports (the UCR) and determine whether violent and property crimes went up or down last year over the preceding year. Each student must list and define the Index1 crimes covered in the report, both property crimes and violent crimes. You must then compare the crime rates in Dallas, TX to your hometown (if your hometown is not listed then choose the closest larger city that is reported by the FBI). Then use information learned in the class thus far in the semester to discuss in a couple of paragraphs why you think crime differs between Dallas and your hometown. Papers are to be printed in font 11 or 12 with one inch margins. Papers must be at least two and no more than five pages in length. Papers may include Tables if student wishes but most of the paper must be narrative text, double spaced, with correct spelling and usage. Submit paper in the course assignment folder on the course homepage by clicking on the Syl Quiz, Examinations & Assignments folder and then on the appropriate assignment. Follow the on screen instructions to upload and submit your paper. Please note that this is a theory class and your paper MUST focus on why the crime is different in the two locations and must provide a discussion of the concepts of at least one existing theory presented in your textbook. Students who attribute the crime difference to the fact that one city is larger than the other will not pass this assignment.


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