Block 1 – Targeted Behavior(s) |
- What is the desired functional outcome of the proposed treatment? Is the goal of the proposed intervention a behavior or the result of certain behaviors (e.g. weight loss, having friends, earning an ‘A’ in class)? If the goal is a behavior, is it targeted for increase decrease, acquisition, maintenance, elimination, etc.?
- What is the function of the behavior to be addressed by the proposed intervention? If it has not been assessed can it be reasonably postulated based on observation or report?
- Are there specific responses targeted for instruction with the proposed intervention? Are these responses targeted for increase, decrease, acquisition, maintenance, elimination, etc.?
- How are the behaviors targeted for instruction related to the goal of the intervention?
- Do the targeted behaviors represent the actual goal of the intervention (e.g. kicking a football at gradually increasing ranges with the goal to improve distance and accuracy of field goal kicks)?
- Or are the targeted behaviors necessary for achieving the goal (e.g. increasing exercise to lose weight)?
- Or are the targeted behaviors necessary prerequisites for another, more complex functional behavior (e.g. targeting sound-letter associations to teach reading)?
- Or are the targeted behaviors only indirectly related to the goal? Are the targeted behaviors necessary to obtain the true goal of the intervention?
- Does the proposed treatment recommendation include covert or overt responses? Or both?
- Provide an operational definition for the targeted behavior(s). Can the behavior(s) be clearly and objectively defined? (Free of hypothetical constructs, explanatory fictions, assumptions, etc.)