Week 9 discussion prompt.

· “Stem cells are undifferentiated, primitive cells with the ability both to multiply and to differentiate into specific kinds of cells. Stem cells hold the promise of allowing researchers to grow specialized cells or tissue, which could be used to treat injuries or disease (e.g., spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, strokes, burns).” (Slevin, 2010)

· Choose ONE of the following issues and post to its thread with supporting evidence. Respond to two peers who wrote about issues other than the one you chose.

· Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.

· Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”

· Why is the task of disposing unused frozen human embryos different from disposing of other medical tissue?

· Discuss why you think embryonic stem cell research “crosses a moral boundary.”

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Consider four different project proposals given to the State Waterworks Agency (SWA), which they will evaluate and decide which projects to accept. The criteria the SWA employs in this project selection process are the number of employments created, amount of electricity generated, and amount of land irrigated listed in the preemptive lexicographic order. The corresponding values of the individual projects for these criteria are given in the following Table together with the aspiration level for each criterion. The cost of each proposal is also included in the following table. Amount of electricity generated is expressed in MW and amount of land irrigated in ha. Cost of each proposal is expressed in $ million. The total amount funds allocated by the Appropriation Committee in the Parliament is $1700 million. Assume all project proposals to have the same duration for realization and they all meet the environmental criteria. The decision-making body wants to maximize the amount by which the aspiration level of each criterion is exceeded. They also want not to exceed the total amount of funds allocated. Apply preemptive goal programming to determine the projects to be realized.

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