Option A, Part 1: Group Foreign Exchange Simulation ReportSubmit Assignment

  • Due Monday by 23:59
  • Points 30
  • Submitting a file upload

Course code and name: BAFI 1018 – International Finance

Assessment name: Foreign Exchange Report

Weight: 30%

Assignment due date: 18 May 2020 by 23:59

Length: 3000 words

Feedback mode:

Feedback will be provided using Turnitin’s inline marking tool and general comments.

Learning Objectives Assessed:

This assignment assesses Learning Objectives 1-6.


This is a group assessment which comprises two pieces of work:

  • The first written report (30%): due in Week 11.
  • The final verbal reflective journal (video presentation of 10%): due in Week 11

Requirements for the first written report (30%):

Each group must self-select their members. Groups may have 3 or 4 members. There is no exception to this.

Students must demonstrate their understanding and application of the course materials to analyse and explain the factors that determine the historical movement of AUD/USD exchange rate and predict what the rate will be in 1 December 2020. The specific requirements are as follows:


  • (1) Discuss using on Purchasing Power Parity.
  • (2) Discuss using on Interest Rate Parity.
  • (3) Discuss using the five factors in the partial supply and demand model.
  • (4) Develop your own theoretical model by combining any factors that you deem as important in determining the above exchange rate.
  • (5) Discuss any qualitative and quantitative data that may affect the determination of the above exchange rate based on Task 4.
  • (6) Comments and Conclusions – compare and contrast Task 1-5.

For Task 1-4, you must demonstrate your understanding about the theories in Topics 1 – 6 and application of these theories in determining the exchange rate. You may use data and calculations in your discussions. You must provide a brief summary at the end of each task.

The maximum count of words is 3000 words for the report (excluding references). 1 mark will be deductedfor every 100 words exceeding the limit.

Turnitin originality report and a signed (by all group members) cover sheet must be attached to the report and submitted as instructed by your lecturer by the due date.

Proper referencing and citationsbased on the Harvard style must be used. The list of references does not count towards the word limit. You will receive 0 (zero) marks and may be subject to disciplinary actions by the University if you plagiarise. Please refer to Section H for information on Plagiarism.

Further details will be discussed in the lecture during the semester.

Should there be any issues or disputes arising from group work, i.e. student finds him/herself cannot get along with group mates or majority of group members are not satisfied with the free-riding behaviour of a particular group member, any changes to group membership must be made by Lecture 6. If changes to group membership were not made by Week 6 and the issues or disputes persist to the end of the semester, groups which face such issues or disputes must notify the lecturer by signing and submitting a group contribution statement (available on Canvas) in the last lecture. The group member that has issues with the majority of his/her group will receive only 50% of the marks that are awarded to his/her group as stated in the Declaration of Group Work Commitment. There will be no extension granted to the group based on the rationale that all students have substantial and adequate time to conduct their learning and preparation for the assignment throughout the semester.

Students must cite the data source they use for their analysis (for example Yahoo finance).

The assignment is due in week 11.

Group Work Contribution Statement.pdf


RMIT Coversheet.pdf


Penalties for late submission

All assignments will be marked as if submitted on time then the mark awarded will be reduced by 10% for each day(or part of a day) it is late. Assignments that are late by 7 days or morewill not be marked and will be awarded zero marks. This applies to all members in a group.

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